Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Dr. Jim Bradford  Solomon's Wisdom  Kingly Leaders 
 2. Sosan Theresa Flynn  The Heart of Wisdom Beyond Wisdom  Sunday Dharma Talk 
 3. St. Augustine  Chs. 5-8: Wisdom more important than eloquence to the Christian teacher. The sacred writers unite wisdom with eloquence. Examples of true eloquence from Paul and Amos. The obscurity of sacred writers  On Christian Doctrine: Bk. 4 
 4. Lawrence Russell  Solomon  Light Solo Crude: culturecourt 
 5. Stickman Jones  Solomon  Blinding Bright 
 6. Natural Self  Solomon  Let Peace Be The Ruler 12  
 7. Robert Evans  O my son Solomon!  Scripture Songs #5 
 8. Lawrence Russell  Solomon  Light Solo Crude: culturecourt.com 
 9. Dr. J. Vernon McGee  Song Of Solomon 2:16-3:11  Thru The Bible Radio 
 10. Alexander Scourby  Song of Solomon 8  Holy Bible KJV OT 33 
 11. Alexander Scourby  Song of Solomon 4  Holy Bible KJV OT 33 
 12. Alexander Scourby  Song of Solomon 5  Holy Bible KJV OT 33 
 13. Roxbury Union Congregation Church Choir  Song of Solomon  Favorite Hymns and Anthems 
 14. Roxbury Union Congregation Church Choir  Song of Solomon  Favorite Hymns and Anthems 
 15. 5.12.2004  Solomon Island  Christoph Ratzer 
 16. Dr. J. Vernon McGee  Song Of Solomon 1:4-8  Thru The Bible Radio 
 17. Dr. J. Vernon McGee  Song Of Solomon 2:4-11  Thru The Bible Radio 
 18. Dr. J. Vernon McGee  Song Of Solomon 1:14-17  Thru The Bible Radio 
 19. Dr. J. Vernon McGee  Song Of Solomon 1:1-4  Thru The Bible Radio 
 20. Dr. J. Vernon McGee  Song Of Solomon 1:7-13  Thru The Bible Radio 
 21. Dr. J. Vernon McGee  Song Of Solomon 5:6-16  Thru The Bible Radio 
 22. Dr. J. Vernon McGee  Song Of Solomon 2:12-15  Thru The Bible Radio 
 23. Apocrypha  thus sang Solomon  Live at the Chill Room, '98 
 24. Steve Gregg  Song of Solomon  Song of Solomon 
 25. Autumn Thunder  Solomon Squatz  40 Years Of NFL Films Music 
 26. James Newton Howard  Solomon Vandy  Blood Diamond  
 27. James Newton Howard  Solomon Vandy  Varèse Sarabande: A 30th Anniversary Celebration  
 28. Dr. J. Vernon McGee  Song Of Solomon 4:1-5:5  Thru The Bible Radio 
 29. City Club of Cleveland  Adm. Steven Solomon  Youth Forum 
 30. Pastor Chuck Smith  Song of Solomon 1-8  Bible 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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